Top 10 clothing tips - shared by fashion expert and stylist

More than half of adults aged over 45 never wear second-hand items – unwilling to wear ‘someone else’s clothes.’

More than half of adults aged over 45 never wear second-hand items – unwilling to wear ‘someone else’s clothes.’ 

A poll of 2,000 adults found there’s a perception among this age group that used garments are ‘unhygienic’, ‘tend to be faded’, and are of ‘poor quality.’ 

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However, many of those aged 18 to 34 have a different relationship with used clothes – 60 per cent are ‘happy’ to wear such items and regularly do. 

And they’re keen on them because they’re ‘cheaper’, ‘better for the environment’, and ‘more unique.' 

Furthermore, their fondness for used items has increased over the past year - 21 per cent have acquired more second-hand clothes during he past 12 months than they’ve ever done before. 

A second-hand wardrobe

The study was commissioned by cleaning and laundry experts, Dr. Beckmann, which teamed-up with stylist Lisa Snowdon through its “Wear More, Wear Less” initiative to launch a pop-up clothing Swap Shop, with all second-hand clothing donations gifted to charity Save the Children. 

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This comes after the study, which aims to change perceptions of used clothing, found 39 per cent of those who don’t wear second-hand clothing would never even consider doing so. 

However, 12 per cent would rethink their decision if they knew of ways to freshen-up old items and effectively bring them back to life. 

Stylist and TV presenter, Lisa Snowdon, who appears on This Morning, has revealed her tips for revitalising old garments: "There are certain perceptions of used clothing but those who avoid them are missing a trick. 

“Many second-hand clothes have barely been worn, so you can pretty much purchase new items for a lot less. 

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“It’s also possible to revitalise garments which might seem destined for the bin – white items which have become grey can be restored and stains on clothes can be removed, as long as you have the right products to do so." 

The study went on to discover that 83 per cent of adults who wear used clothing would encourage others to – with the quality of such garments described as ‘excellent’ (16 per cent) and ‘good’ (61 per cent).