These are the cheapest 5 star hotels you can stay in around the world

It’s no secret that five star hotels don’t usually come cheap, especially when travelling to an exotic destination or upmarket city (Photo: Shutterstock)It’s no secret that five star hotels don’t usually come cheap, especially when travelling to an exotic destination or upmarket city (Photo: Shutterstock)
It’s no secret that five star hotels don’t usually come cheap, especially when travelling to an exotic destination or upmarket city (Photo: Shutterstock)

It’s no secret that five star hotels don’t usually come cheap, especially when travelling to an exotic destination or upmarket city.

But research carried out by website The Hotel Guru has found out where in the world travellers can stay at five star hotels for an affordable price.

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European countries come out on top

According to the study, European countries generally come out on top, with seven out of the top 10 destinations for affordable five star hotels located in Europe.

The three exceptions were Colombia, Paraguay and Cambodia.

Poland, Lithuania and Latvia all ranked well for both affordability and high ratings when it came to a five star hotel experience.

In order to find out how affordable luxury accommodation is in 2020, The Hotel Guru worked out the average lowest price for a one night stay at a five star hotel across the 99 countries it analysed, while also taking into consideration how hotels were rated by customers.

They also kept a close eye on how the definition of what a five star hotel is varies from one destination to the next.