A vitamin D deficiency could make you more likely to catch coronavirus - here’s how to boost your levels

 A vitamin D deficiency could make you more likely to catch coronavirus - here’s how to boost your levels (Photo: Shutterstock) A vitamin D deficiency could make you more likely to catch coronavirus - here’s how to boost your levels (Photo: Shutterstock)
A vitamin D deficiency could make you more likely to catch coronavirus - here’s how to boost your levels (Photo: Shutterstock)

A new study has concluded that vitamin D could protect people from coronavirus, with adults deficient of the nutrient appearing more at risk of contracting Covid-19.

A total of 72 per cent of NHS workers surveyed who were lacking in the ‘sunshine vitamin’ also tested positive for Covid-19 antibodies - a sign of previous infection.

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This compared to just 51 per cent for those who had a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

Latest study

The latest study, conducted by the University of Birmingham, tested NHS staff at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, one of the UK hospitals that treated the highest number of Covid-19 patients.

Blood samples from 392 healthcare workers were analysed in a two week period in May, towards the end of the first surge of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Samples were first tested for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies - proteins in the blood that show a person has built an immune response to the infection during previous illness. The samples also underwent testing to establish their levels of vitamin D, known to help boost the immune system and protect against the common cold.

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Results showed that staff who were vitamin D deficient were more likely to report symptoms of body aches and pains.

Levels were also lower in staff who reported symptoms of fever, but not for those who had a cough or had suffered shortness of breath.

The study comes after Health Secretary Matt Hancock wrongly told the House of Commons last week that a Government-funded trial investigating vitamin D showed it did not “appear to have any impact.”

Previous studies

Researchers from Brussels Free University in Belgium, have claimed giving out vitamin D supplements could be an “inexpensive mitigation strategy.”

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