Warwick man jailed for forging a doctor’s letter to the court

Warwick Crown Court at Warwickshire Justice Centre in Leamington.Warwick Crown Court at Warwickshire Justice Centre in Leamington.
Warwick Crown Court at Warwickshire Justice Centre in Leamington.
A Warwick man forged a letter from his doctor in an attempt to get magistrates to set aside his conviction for fraudulently selling a stolen mobile phone.

And at Warwick Crown Court, Leigh Rehman, aged 28, of Reignier Place, Heathcote, Warwick, pleaded guilty to doing an act intended to pervert the course of justice.

He was jailed for three months, consecutive to a one-week sentence he was given for the fraud, and was ordered to pay £312 compensation to O2 and £500 costs.

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