20mph limit could be introduced for residential areas in Rugby

A 20mph limit could be introduced for residential areas in Rugby and across Warwickshire after county councillors approved a motion at yesterday's (Thursday's) full council meeting.A 20mph limit could be introduced for residential areas in Rugby and across Warwickshire after county councillors approved a motion at yesterday's (Thursday's) full council meeting.
A 20mph limit could be introduced for residential areas in Rugby and across Warwickshire after county councillors approved a motion at yesterday's (Thursday's) full council meeting.
The Green Party's plan was given all-party backing

A 20mph limit could be introduced for residential areas in Rugby and across Warwickshire after county councillors approved a motion at yesterday's (Thursday's) full council meeting.

The Greens proposal for a ‘costed plan for cabinet consideration’ was given all-party backing although a number of Conservative councillors urged caution, warning one size did not fit all.

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