Police tell cautionary tale about buying cheap vehicles 'no questions asked' after car seized in Ryton-on-Dunsmore

Photo: OPU Warwickshire.Photo: OPU Warwickshire.
Photo: OPU Warwickshire.
Police took to Facebook to tell a cautionary tale after they seized a car that had been bought for £400, 'no questions asked'.

Operational Patrol Unit (OPU) Warwickshire stopped a Volkswagen Golf in Ryton-on Dunsmore on March 26, finding that it had been cloned and was on false number plates.

"It might be the fact the driver had no Insurance Tax, MOT and a provisional licence that they were not too fussed about the true identity of the vehicle," a spokesperson for OPU Warwickshire said on the unit's Facebook page.

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Police seized the vehicle and the driver has been reported to court.

Photo: OPU Warwickshire.Photo: OPU Warwickshire.
Photo: OPU Warwickshire.

What is a cloned car?

Car thieves and those seeking to use a vehicle to commit crimes will 'clone' a vehicle by finding a similar, non-stolen, vehicle that is legally on the road.

Some will steal number plates for this purpose, while others will use unscruplulous suppliers to have number plates of legal cars copied.

Warwickshire Police recommends the use of non-reversible number plate screws to help prevent your number plates being stolen.