Leamington teenagers will walk 130-miles for their teacher

SEEING first-hand the emotional and physical effects of cancer has inspired five Leamington teenagers to walk 130 miles in just three days to raise funds for research into the disease.

Trinity School pupils Seb Kafno, Lewis Cantle, Harvey Thompson, Ryan Crawley and James Stansfield, along with youth workers Joe Holland and Sarah Louise Lithgow, are heading off bright and early tomorrow (Saturday) from Leamington Town Hall, to make their way along the Grand Union Canal to arrive in Hyde Park in London on Monday evening.

The 15-year-olds have all had cancer affecting their lives. Trinity School teacher Chris Hurst has the condition, while Seb’s cousin first removed, Harvey’s grandfather and Ryan’s grandmother all died from cancer and Lewis and Harvey both have friends living with the disease. They are hoping to raise £1,500 for Cancer Research UK by taking on this walking challenge.

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Lewis, who came up with the idea and has also staged a fundraising concert with Harvey and their band Odyssey Blue, said: “I thought it would be a challenging and fun thing to do. I’m really excited about it, but I know it’s going to be really hard. I used to train for the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, but this is going to be much harder than that.”