Drivers face £1,000 ‘tax’ on commuting under parking charge plans

More than a dozen English councils considering workplace parking levies despite warnings that poorest drivers will be hardest hit by ‘poll tax on wheels’

Commuters could face extra costs of up to £1,000 for driving to work under plans being considered by several councils.

More than a dozen local authorities in England are reportedly looking at introducing workplace parking levies as a way to cut urban congestion and pollution.

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The plans have been slammed as a “poll tax on wheels” which will punish drivers simply for going to work.

According to the Daily Mail, 13 English councils are considering the levies, which charge businesses for every parking space they have. The charges are applied to the business but the AA and RAC have warned that, in practice, these costs are usually passed on to staff using the car parks.

Under the schemes, businesses are charged a set rate for every parking space they have Under the schemes, businesses are charged a set rate for every parking space they have